Platform Token ($ENIM)
Tokenomics & Distribution
Fair Launch on PumpFun
Development Team: 5% (marketing & operations)
Community Distribution: 95%
No vesting, no team selling pressure
Tournament Pool Structure
Entry fees collected in ENIM and SOL (50/50 split)
Prize distribution:
1st: 30%
2nd: 15%
3rd: 10%
4th-10th: 2% each
11th-20th: 2% each
Remaining 4%: Auto-reinvested into ENIM
Price Stability Mechanism
Weekly SOL/ENIM pool replenishment
Auto-reinvestment of remaining prize pool (4%)
Natural token circulation through tournaments
Balanced SOL/ENIM tournament entry requirement
Token Utility
Tournament entry (required)
Staking for bonus rewards
Platform fee discounts
Premium feature access
Community governance
Autonomous Design
Community-driven ecosystem
No team selling pressure
Sustainable tokenomics through tournament system
Natural price discovery
Weekly reinvestment mechanism
The 50/50 split between SOL and ENIM for tournament entries creates a balanced ecosystem where:
SOL provides stable value backing
ENIM maintains utility and scarcity
Weekly reinvestment supports token value
Tournament system drives natural circulation
Last updated